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Psychosomatic Energetics
Psychosomatic Energetics (P.S.E.) Is a system of diagnosis and treatment using combination homeopathic remedies to resolve mental and emotional issues. What's fun with this system is no talking or discussion of the emotional issues is needed. This makes it a wonderful system to use with children. It also targets and releases old issues that an adult patient may not be aware of day to day, but is draining of their physical energy. The testing is non-invasive, quickly measuring the presenting energy field of the patient. Dr. Remar Banis of Switzerland developed this system over decades of research, initially modeling his formulas after the old Bach Flower remedies formulated in the 1930's by Dr. Edward Bach, in England. The identified energy blocks are treated using specific homeopathic compounds that can be administered in liquid drops, or small sweet pellets.
We call it psychotherapy in a bottle!
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