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Why Acupuncture works is still a mystery to modern science, but there are theories, with corresponding methods. Dr. Megan practices traditional Chinese and Japanese style acupuncture using ancient Chinese medical theories of yin, yang, jing, and ah shi. Qi, or energy, courses through little streams, or channels, in the body. They are much like, and often travel alongside arteries, veins, and nerves. The acupuncture points are located at small depressions in the skin where the channels come closest to the surface. With acupuncture these spots are stimulated or sedated to adjust circulation of the Qi in the channels. We use super thin sterile needles, flexible, (like seed beading needles if your crafty), so small I call them pins. Most are inserted about one centimeter at acupuncture points, invigorating the function of muscles, nerves, vessels, glands and organs. Insertion of the needles goes unnoticed by some, and to other feels like a small pinch with a zing of tingling, or heaviness. Some people feel the electrical sensations of their energy moving at a distance from the point of insertion. Needles remain in place anywhere from 1-40 minutes. Most people are pleased to find that the sessions are not uncomfortable and look forward to them. Why Dr. Megan loves this is the immediate results. Pain disappears. It can be, weirdly, deeply calming. Many fall asleep!
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