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Homeopathy was first mentioned by Hippocrates (462–377 BC), but it was a German Physician,
Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), who established Homeopathy’s basic principles:
In Homeopathy, diseases are treated with remedies that in a healthy person would produce symptoms similar to those of the disease. Rather than fighting the disease directly, medicines are intended to stimulate the body to fight the disease. By the latter half of the 19th century, Homeopathy was practiced throughout Europe as well as in Asia and North America.
Homeopathy has been integrated into the national health care systems of many countries including India, Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the United Kingdom. While Homeopathy enjoys popular support in many countries, it almost disappeared in the United States in the 1920s, due largely to the efforts of the pharmaceutically controlled medical establishment.
Today, however, more and more people are turning to this safe, non-toxic alternative form of treatment. Homeopathy is presently enjoying a worldwide renaissance, and the Los Angeles. From the LA School of Homeopathy Website:
How are the homeopathic medicines prepared?
The revolutionary method of drug preparation in homeopathy, called Potentization, utilizes a very minute quantity of the original drug substance. A very small portion of any substance, say a drop of Surukuku snake venom, as one part, is mixed with 99 parts of alcohol or distilled water. Some powerful strokes are given to this mixture of about 100 drops/ml. It makes so-called 1c potency. Now, out of these 100 drops, one drop is taken and mixed with 99 drops of alcohol, again to undergo the process of vigorous strokes, making the potency 2c. The process is continued higher level up to 30c, 200c, 1000c, 10000c, 50000c and 100000c. No material, only the medicinal power...
As you can realize, there is infinitesimal original drug substance in the higher potency medicines. Actually, it crosses Avogadro's limit. There is no detectable material in the potency higher than 24. What is left behind is the power or energy of the medicine. One may call it dynamic power, which is capable to induce definite changes in the body system to bring about the healing process.
Absolutely safe and non-toxic:
As you can see that the special method of homeopathic medicines renders them absolutely free from any toxic substance in it. The medicines thus are absolutely safe and free from any side effects. They are safe for even babies and pregnant women.
-From The Life Force Homeopathy Website:
The Process of Preparing A Homeopathic Medicine
It is important to understand that homeopathic medicines are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Their uses are based on traditional homeopathic practice, the standards for which are set through the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS). The products must contain active ingredients listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS), which is published by the HPCUS. We identify the first safe dilution levels established by the HPUS on our specific homeopathic ingredient webpages.
The first step in homeopathic medicine preparation is to crush and dissolve the raw material in water or alcohol. Then, the substance is diluted through a precise and controlled process. Between each round of dilution, the resulting product is vigorously shaken in a process known as succussion. The dilution/succussion process is repeated until the desired level of dilution is reached. The resulting product is the homeopathic active ingredient, which is then incorporated into dosage forms such as melt-away pellets or tablets, syrups, suppositories, topical gels and creams. Active ingredients are listed on OTC homeopathic medicine labels with the Latin name of the material along with numbers followed by either X’s or C’s — which refer to the two common scales of dilution used for most homeopathic products sold in the United States:
ï‚· The C scale (or centesimal scale) means that each dilution is 100 times more diluted than the previous one. ï‚· The X scale (or decimal scale) means that each dilution is 10 times more diluted than the previous one. For example,
C is 100 times more diluted than 4C.
Safety of Homeopathic OTCs.
After undergoing the homeopathic dilution process, only very small amounts of the initial raw material are present. Once diluted, homeopathic medicines should not be confused with their raw materials. Sources known for their pharmacological or biological actions — such as plants, venoms, organic chemical substances, metals, and salts — are considered safe at dilution levels established by the HPUS.-From Know Your OTC’s:
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