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Why the long visits, Doc?

A big difference between mainstream Medical Doctor's (M.D.'s) and us crazy Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.'s) is the amount of time we spend with our patients. I got asked why....

A 40 minute visit gives us time to get a full history on health issues. Many patients feel rushed in doctors offices. Naturopathic Doctors are trained in delving into the cause behind the symptoms. Why do you keep on getting sore throats. Why does your rash never quite go away. With digestive issues, often we need to discuss the when, how's and what's of the situation and its past, to find the culprits. Hormone issues such as PMS and menopause need time to look at everything that is going on. In any health issue there may be many factors at play such as past injuries or illnesses, diet, stress, chronic nutrient deficiencies, and genetic predispositions.

The 40 minute visits also gives me time for a non-invasive physical exam. Naturopaths trained in Chinese medicine look at the tongue, and the pulses in 6 different ways. This takes time. More well known physical exam techniques such blood pressure and temperature are also assessed. Physical signs of an unbalanced system give important information for diagnosis. A quick fix is not always satisfactory. Looking at the layers of health physically, mentally, and emotionally, help us find long lasting vitality through remedies that treat the underlying cause.

60 minutes with a patient allows us to hash through emotional layers. The time and the space to verbally process all facets of an issue is incredibly powerful medicine. A full family history with dynamics that have affected mental health also need this time. It's worth it. Patients come away feeling clearer, and in control.

Can you believe, with all this time, I can still run late?

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