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New Patients

To book a visit with Dr. Kimberley, please call our office or
fill in the contact form below and we will be in touch.

Your first visit is an hour long. We go through your whole health history, including physical challenges, and life Stressors or turning points you want to bring up that you are still processing. Really, the floor is yours. Dr. Megan Kimberley listens to it all, asks a bunch of questions, and you decide if and how you will answer them. Then she takes a quick non-invasive look at you, and makes a plan. The plan may include further blood tests, supplementation with botanical medicine, homeopathics, or high dose targeted vitamin or mineral therapies. The plan may also include a series of acupunture treatments, or bodywork with craniosacral therapy, bowen, acupressure, or a few other tricks the doc has up her grey sweater sleeves.  All information, previous lab tests done, lists of drugs and supplements you are taking, are all welcome.  She even takes little notes from wives, husbands, mothers.... just to make sure everything is addressed (sometimes it's the people close to you that see issues before you feel them).  In the end, it is up to you. 

The next step is always at least one 20 or 40 minute follow up visit 2 or 4 weeks later, to see how you do with initial prescriptions and suggestions. Then we see what you need from there!  Everyone is different, but that is the general outline.  Things get focused when you are in pain. Pain is always dealt with first, be it physical or emotional.  What is always true is Dr. Megan's gratitude that you have dragged your butt in to get help.  Always worth it."

Intake Forms

Please download the Intake Form and Consent Form to fill out and bring them with you to your appointment. You are also invited to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to fill out a copy of the intake forms we have here.  Whichever works for you.


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